What is Magic Sudoku?
Magic Sudoku is an app that solves sudoku puzzles in realtime.
How does it work?
Our AR sudoku solver uses computer vision, machine learning, and augmented reality
to seamlessly identify, process, and solve sudokus and place them back into the
real world.
What is augmented reality?
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that uses your phone's camera and
sensors to layer information on top of a view of the real world. AR enhances
your view of reality with digital content (in our case, the view through
your phone's screen shows a world where your blank sudoku puzzle is
has already been solved).
Will it work with my phone?
Magic Sudoku uses a new technology in Apple's iOS11 operating system
called ARKit. ARKit requires an A9 chip to function which means it's
only compatible with iPhone (6S or newer) and iPad Pro.
We are investigating whether we will be able to use Google's ARCore to
port the app to Android in the future; if you're interested in receiving
updates please
subscribe to our email list!